This is the last video of Eldjárn while he was still ours, taken this winter.
Luckily we have couple of youngsters of this great horse that are beautiful with good movements. It will be exciting to see how they will develop in the coming years. We are going to use the last chance of having more of Eldjárn offsprings and take some mares to Lækjamót in Húnavatnssýsla this summer, before he goes to his new owners in Sweden this fall.
We already miss it alot having him here in the stable, since he is a unique horse with a great temperament ❤️
Now Jón needs to choose another riding horse along with Skaginn next winter, the standards he set is high regarding his riding horses…above 8,70 for rideability 😅 It will not be easy to follow in the footsteps of Eldjárn.